OGA 2023

OGA - The 18th Asean Oil, Gas & Petrochemical Engineering Exhibition (13 - 15 September 2023)

Oil and Gas Asia 2023 is the catalyst for transformative change, boldly redefining the future of the oil, gas, energy, and petrochemicals engineering industry. From industry-shaping leaders and policymakers, to think tanks and innovators, this exhibition unites the most brilliant minds in the oil and gas sector. Join OGA 2023 and become a part of the seismic shift reshaping the industry.

List of participating Italian companies: 

ACTUATOR FLUID CONTROL - www.actuatorfluidcontrol.com

ANTEA - https://antea.tech/

ASCOT INDUSTRIAL - www.ascotinternational.com

CANNON ARTES - www.cannonartes.com

CVB VALVES - www.cvbvalves.com

DB PROGETTI - www.db-progetti.it

DE PRETTO INDUSTRIE - www.deprettoindustrie.com

FORITEX SRL - www.foritex.it

FORNOVO GAS SPA - www.fornovogas.it

ITALBEST VALVE SRL - www.italbestvalve.com

MIRETTI GROUP - www.miretti.com

MOTRIDAL SPA - www.motridal.com

PETROL INSTRUMENTS SRL - www.petrol-instruments.com

PTC – HIGH PRESSURE JETTING - www.ptcitaliana.com

RINA - www.rina.org/en

SPINA GROUP - www.spinagroup.com

VALVITALIA GROUP - www.valvitalia.com

VIAR GROUP - www.viargroup.com


Visit https://www.oilandgas-asia.com/ for more information.