14 april - 9 october 2022
When you think of the word ‘horticulture’, what comes to mind? It is not surprising that you would think of words such as ‘shrubs, ‘rake’ or ‘vegetable gardens’. Terms such as ‘sustainability’, ‘liveability’ and ‘a hopeful future’ probably come to mind less quickly, understandably so. The horticultural sector rarely gets the attention it deserves. A pity, because horticulture is amazing! Above all it is essential to our common future.
In a world where nature often has to make way for concrete, glass and steel, horticulture is the key to a liveable world. In our view, those working in horticulture, from the gardener to the asparagus grower, to the technician in the greenhouse, are superheroes. During Floriade Expo 2022 we are giving these heroes the stage they deserve.
Once every ten years, all the horticultural greats gather during this International Horticultural Exhibition. Experts from all over the world come together at Floriade to present green solutions that make our cities more enjoyable, beautiful and sustainable. Within the theme ‘Growing Green Cities’, more than 400 national and international participants showcase their latest green innovations, solutions and applications. From state-of-the-art solar roof tiles to amazing vertical façade gardens and from the best ways to grow tomatoes to the latest pruning techniques. You can see, taste and experience it all at Floriade.
Beside all the inspiring gadgets and innovations, you can also simply enjoy all the natural splendour on the site. You can take a stroll through the many flowering gardens, the inspiring arboretum and feast on exciting dishes or immerse yourself in the varied art and culture programme. There is something for everyone. Children can go on an expedition, parents can taste a wide variety of food and entrepreneurs can exchange their biodegradable business cards and lay the foundation for fruitful collaborations.
link: https://floriade.com/it/
Italian Pavilion
The Italian pavilion, with its garden of about 865 sqm, explores the Floriade theme, “growing green city”, offering alternative solutions to the challenge of preserving the Italian territory and cultural heritage.
More than other countries, Italy pays great attention to preserving its territory and cultural heritage, with an approach that necessarily evolves towards a dynamic conservation, adopting new technologies and modifying the current social and cultural models. At the same time, our country needs to preserve the great knowledge acquired over the centuries in managing resources, human activities and social cohesion in our territories and urban areas.
The architecture of the pavilion revolves around different concepts and themes: water cycle and management, ecosystem services and environmental improvements and the role of the past and how current actions become the roots of the future.
link: https://floriade2022italy.com/
Want to learn what is good olive oil and what is not that good of an olive oil? During one of our workshops (26 august 2022) you will taste 5 Italian olive oils which we will analyze according to the official EU standards. After this workshop you will be able to spot a good olive oil from a bad one and what to check on before buying. You will never buy the wrong olive oil again, the workshop will be presented by Gregor Christiaans, a certified olive oil taster.
How to participate: the workshop is open for the first 20 people who reserve a seat. You can book your place by mail at floriade2022italy@ice.it at least the day before the workshop or at the Italian Pavilion on the same day, if seats are still available. Attendance is free of charge.
Wil je leren wat een goede olijfolie is en wat een minder goede olijfolie is? Tijdens een van onze workshops (26 augustus 2022) proef je 5 verschillende Italiaanse olijfolies en ga je die analyseren volgens door EU vastgestelde richtlijnen. Na de workshop kan je goede van slechte olijfolie onderscheiden en weet je waar je op moet letten. Zo koop je nooit meer de verkeerde olijfolie! Deze workshop wordt gegeven door Gregor Christiaans, gecertificeerd olijfolieproever.
Hoe deel te nemen: elke workshop is open voor de eerste 20 personen die een stoel geboekt hebben. Je kan boeken via mail: floriade2022italy@ice.it tot de laatste dag vòòr de workshop of op het Paviljoen zelf op dezelfde dag, als er stoelen beschikbaar zijn. Deelnemen is gratis.
An olive oil tasting? Yes! Olive oil tasting is similar to wine tasting: just like wines, olive oils have a very wide variety of tastes and aromas. Want to learn more? Come to one of our olive oil tasting workshops: enjoy a real Italian experience on 7 october 2022 at 15:00! All your questions will be answered during this workshop presented by Gregor Christiaans, a certified olive oil taster.
How to participate: the workshop is open for the first 20 people who reserve a seat. You can book your place by mail at floriade2022italy@ice.it at least the day before the workshop or at the Italian Pavilion on the same day, if seats are still available. Attendance is free of charge.
Olijfolie proeven? Jazeker, olijfolie proeven is vergelijkbaar met wijn proeven: net als wijnen, hebben olijfolies veel verschillende smaken en aroma's. Wil je hier meer over leren? Kom dan naar een van onze workshop: geniet van een originele Italiaanse ervaring op 7 oktober 2022 om 15:00. Al je vragen zullen beantwoord worden tijdens deze workshop die wordt gegeven door Gregor Christiaans, gecertificeerd olijfolieproever.
Hoe deel te nemen: elke workshop is open voor de eerste 20 personen die een stoel geboekt hebben. Je kan boeken via mail: floriade2022italy@ice.it tot de laatste dag vòòr de workshop of op het Paviljoen zelf op dezelfde dag, als er stoelen beschikbaar zijn. Deelnemen is gratis.