Metis Healthcare S.r.I.

Metis Healthcare srl operates since 1995 in the Biotech sector, R&D and marketing of medical devices and supplements for personal care.
It is an SME registered at the CCIAA in Milan with ATECO 21.20 Manufacture of medicines and pharmaceutical preparations and ATECO 72.11.00 Research and experimental development in the field of biotechnology.
A strongly technology-oriented company, it offers products aligned with the drivers of the market offers and has recently been considered, by a magazine in the sector, as one of the 10 most innovative European start-ups in the healthcare sector.
Metis products have exclusive formulations – sustained with patent protection – and with raw materials of exclusive availability of the company.
It operates in the context of Open Innovation and boasts collaborations with the University of Milan, large companies and SMES.
The business model is based on principles of agile and dynamic organisation with outsourcing of production and logistics activities related to production: internal logistics, operations, external logistics.
The marketing and sales activity - after appropriate registration of the products - operates through partners in Italy and abroad: currently in 7 countries (EU and non-EU); the products are being registered in the Gulf countries, China and Indonesia.
The company is implementing a proprietary B2C e-commerce portal that in a first step will be active at the national level.

Year of establishment:


Number of employees:


Annual turnover:

between 250.000 and 500.000 Euro

Reference year of turnover:


Export turnover:

From 75.000 to 250.000 Euro



Manufacturing of medicines and other pharmaceutical preparation products

Trial research and development in the bio-technological field

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Metis Healthcare S.r.I.


Via della Moscova 13



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An exclusive oral care line has been developed to for patients suffering of Xerostomia (dry mouth), halitosis and sensitive mucosa.
Xerostomia afflicts about the 25% of global population over 50, and no solution, until now, is available to increase salivation. Our exclusive products are able to increase salivation and improve Xerostomia, as demonstrate by clinical results from several clinical studies.
