

TrufflEAT was founded in Thailand in 2010. Our products are authorised by the Food and Drug Administration. It is based in Italy and Thailand. TrufflEAT today represents the excellence of Italian companies about truffle products, one of the most prestigious Italian firstling. It also recently introduced the high quality caviar brand CaviarEAT, with the best worldwide quality caviar products.

In Italy, each region has its own treasures that define its cuisine. Every ingredient counts and this is why our company directly goes in search of these treasures, meeting each producer, tasting each product to test its quality, in order to create the two exclusive lines that Truffleat will present to you.

We look forward to seeing you at CHFA NOW! Vancouver – booth 1419

FACEBOOK:  truffleatsrl

INSTAGTAM:  truffleat.italy

LINKEDIN:  truffleat

#itatoronto @cahealthfood #CHFAnow

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