News dalla rete ITA

13 Luglio 2023



National oil and gas conglomerate PTT Plc expects its petrochemical business units to benefit from the development of new products to serve lifestyles that have become more focused on health and environmental stewardship. Soracha Ruanpan, PTT’s analyst for downstream businesses, said products would be needed in various sectors, including healthcare, wellness and mobility. In the healthcare and wellness sector, the production of medical equipment made from plastic materials should grow, along with higher demand for prostheses, including artificial legs, teeth and other body parts. More plastic materials are projected in the electric mobility sector as governments promote electric vehicles (EVs), which will help cut carbon dioxide emissions, said Ms Soracha. She said she believes PTT’s petrochemical business can seek business opportunities in plastic recycling as such materials can be used in the production of auto parts as well as packaging and building materials. (ICE BANGKOK)

Fonte notizia: Bangkok Post