News dalla rete ITA

18 Aprile 2024



The esteemed participation of the Italian Republic, renowned for its economic diversity and steadfast partnership along the Mediterranean coast, holds great significance in the 50th edition of the Tripoli International Fair. Italy's proximity, coupled with the exceptional quality of its industries and the intertwining historical ties with the Italian community in Libya, renders its presence highly consequential. Notably, the establishment of the Tripoli International Fair during Italy's tenure in the region further accentuates the significance of this occasion.The capital city of the Italian Republic is Rome, and the official language is Italian. Its inhabitants are commonly referred to as Italians. As per the 2022 census, the population of Italy stands at 58,853,482 individuals. The country's foundation dates back to June 18, 1946, and its official currency is the Euro. Italy holds the notable rank of 18th among the world's most advanced nations.With utmost esteem, we extend a warm and cordial welcome to the Italian companies  as they grace us with their presence in the momentous 50th edition of the Tripoli International Fair. (ICE TRIPOLI)

Fonte notizia: Tripoli International Fair