Gare internazionali
Il servizio fornisce informazioni sulle gare internazionali d'appalto, con sintesi dei bandi e indicazione dei riferimenti utili alla richiesta del capitolato e alla presentazione dell'offerta. Queste informazioni sono disponibili anche sul portale, sistema informativo sulle opportunità di business all'estero, realizzato dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, ICE-Agenzia, Assocamerestero, Unioncamere e Confindustria.
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id | Data di pubblicazione | Titolo | Testo | |
289441 | 25/04/2024 | Serviyi di aggiornamento su incendi, proba bilità, analisi di sicurezza per la centrala nucleare | L'oggetto dell'appalto è l'… | |
289409 | 25/04/2024 | Terminale internazionale di Chimbote | Progettazione, finanziamento, esecuzione,… | |
289408 | 25/04/2024 | Sistema idrico globale della valle di Chancay - Lambayeque della regione di Lambayeque | Il progetto mira a concedere una concessione per… | |
289805 | 20/05/2024 | Seconda Concessione Autostrada 5 Tratto Collipulli - Temuco | Autostrada di 144 km di estensione che dà… | |
289808 | 20/05/2024 | Seconda Concessione Autostrada 5 Tratto Río Bueno - Puerto Montt | Il tratto della Autostrada 5 che comprende il… | |
289823 | 21/05/2024 | Concessione Teleferico Alto Hospicio - Iquique | Il progetto riguarda l'implementazione e la… | |
289812 | 21/05/2024 | Concessione Orbital Norponiente di Santiago | Il progetto prevede la costruzione di una nuova… | |
289817 | 21/05/2024 | Concessione Stradale Autostrade di Accesso a Valdivia | Il progetto consiste nell'ampliamento a doppia… | |
289820 | 21/05/2024 | Concessione per l'Impianto di Dissalazione per la Regione di Coquimbo | Il Progetto si trova nella IV Regione di Coquimbo,… | |
289819 | 21/05/2024 | Rete Aeroportuale del Sud | Il progetto oggetto della concessione consiste… | |
289824 | 21/05/2024 | Concepción Concessione di corridoi elettrici R150 | Il progetto denominato “Concesión… | |
289870 | 24/05/2024 | MIGLIORAMENTO DEI SERVIZI PUBBLICI TURISTICI DEL PARCO ARCHEOLOGICO DI CHOQUEQUIRAO | Progettazione, finanziamento, costruzione,… | |
289871 | 24/05/2024 | RINFORZO DI INFRASTRUTTURE, ATTREZZATURE E MANUTENZIONE DELLE SCUOLE DI CUSCO | costruzione, manutenzione e gestione dei servizi… | |
290641 | 01/07/2024 | Third Offshore Licensing Round - Lebanon | The Minister of Energy and Water has issued a… | |
291147 | 31/07/2024 | PROGETTO CHINECAS | Il progetto consiste nel captare parte delle acque… | |
291781 | 13/09/2024 | Trattamento delle acque reflue per smaltimento finale o riutilizzo, province di Trujillo e Chepén, La Libertad, Perù | Il progetto dell'iniziativa privata… | |
291778 | 13/09/2024 | Cusco – Pisac / Urubamba – Chincheros – Cachimayo / Huacarpay – Ollantaytambo – Dv. Santa Teresa | Consiste nell'intervento di gestione e… | |
292045 | 08/10/2024 | Notice of Invitation for Bids (International Competitive Bidding) for Design, Supply and Construction of Track Works including Testing and Commissioning on Design-Build Lump Sum Price basis for Double Line High Speed Railway between Mumbai Stn. at Bandra-Kurla complex (MAHSR Km. -0.255) and Zaroli Village (Km.156.600) | Design, Supply and Construction of Track… | |
292125 | 12/10/2024 | Avis d'appel d'offres national et international ouvert n°664/2024/SC1 pour l'acquisition, l'installation et la mise en service d'équipements de fabrication et de rénovation des équipements à carburants | Le Ministère de la Défense Nationale… | |
292409 | 05/11/2024 | Avis d'appel d'offres national et international ouvert n° SNTF-XMT/12-LDE-VM 02/2024 pour la fourniture en lot unique (in allegato) | Avis d'appel d'offres national et… | |
292395 | 05/11/2024 | Avis d'appel d'offres national et international ouvert n°SNTF-XMT/06 AE 01/2024 pour la fourniture en lot unique (in allegato) | La Société Nationale des… | |
292445 | 07/11/2024 | ONTARIO RILASCIA UNA RFQ PER LA COSTRUZIONE DEL HAMILTON LRT | Il governo di Ontario ha emesso una Request for… | |
292457 | 10/11/2024 | TUBES, SEAMLESS, FINNED, FOR AIR COOLERS | The Higher Purchase Committee at Kuwait Petroleum… | |
292462 | 10/11/2024 | Avis d'appel d'offres national et international ouvert n°780/2024/BH1 pour l'acquisition en ligne d'imagerie satellite nocturne NTLet solutions associées | Le Ministère de la Défense Nationale… | |
292463 | 10/11/2024 | Avis d'appel d'offres national ouvert n°012/EPIC-ERIS/2024 pour l'acquisition déquipements pour systèmes de cibleries modernes | Le Ministère de la Défense Nationale… | |
292501 | 11/11/2024 | "Ottimizzazione della regolazione della tensione e dei parametri di qualità dell'energia elettrica attraverso l'installazione di apparecchiature di tipo FACTS nelle stazioni di Gutinaș, Suceava e Roșiori" | La documentazione tecnica necessaria per la… | |
292487 | 13/11/2024 | RFP 11/ 2024: Supply and Delivery of Boats and Equipment | RFP 11/ 2024: Supply and Delivery of Boats and… | |
292474 | 13/11/2024 | WCPK1059JCRR-Regret Letter | Removal and disposal of general and hazardous… | |
292518 | 14/11/2024 | Avis d'appel d'offres national et international ouvert n°799/2024/DE1 pour l'acquisition de filtres de différents types pour moteurs marins et groupes électrogènes répartis par items | Le Ministère de la Défense Nationale… | |
292519 | 14/11/2024 | Avis d'appel d'offres national et international ouvert n°790/2024/BH1 pour l'acquisition en ligne de modèles numériques 3D et produits dérivés | Le Ministère de la Défense Nationale… | |
292551 | 19/11/2024 | Avis d'appel d'offres national et international ouvert n°02/2024 pour l'étude, fourniture et mise en service des équipements, formations et assistance technique pour la réalisation d'une usine de fabrication des sièges pour tous type de véhicules | L’Epic-Groupement de Promotion de… | |
292550 | 19/11/2024 | Avis d'appel d'offres national et international ouvert n°797/2024/CG1 pour l'acquisition des équipements pour les laboratoires de controle des munitions | Avis d'appel d'offres national et… | |
292571 | 21/11/2024 | Turkmenistan’s Ministry of Textile Industry Rennounces International Tender for Textile Complex Construction | The Ministry of Textile Industry of Turkmenistan… | |
292590 | 25/11/2024 | ELECTROCORREDORES DE CONCEPCION RUTA 160 | Objetivo:El proyecto tiene como objetivo construir… | |
292591 | 25/11/2024 | PLANTA DE PRODUCCIÓN, ALMACENAMIENTO Y COMERCIALIZACIÓN DE HIDRÓGENO VERDE - PROYECTO GÉNESIS | Objetivo:El objetivo del proyecto es contruir una… | |
293212 | 27/11/2024 | EOI for improvements to Land known as Lease 12B Import / Export of Bulk Product and Storage Activities UNSPSC: Nonresidential building construction services - (100%) | Tender Status: Current Number:… | |
292622 | 02/12/2024 | Projet "repowering de l'étape A de la centrale éolienne de Sidi Daoud" dans la commune d'El Haouaria, d'une puissance totale comprise entre 29 et 336 MW avec des aérogénérateurs identiques | Projet "repowering de l'étape A de… | |
292642 | 02/12/2024 | attrezzi di protezione | attrezzi di protezione | |
292641 | 02/12/2024 | Electricity distribution and control apparatus | Procurement of meter for direct connection with… | |
292621 | 02/12/2024 | Etude et réalisation des systèmes de transfert des eaux usées brutes et épurées et de la station d'épuration de la ville de Remada | Etude et réalisation des systèmes de… | |
292643 | 02/12/2024 | pneumatici leggeri e pesanti | pneumatici leggeri e pesanti | |
292632 | 02/12/2024 | Waste disposal site construction work - establishing integrated and self-sustainable Regional Waste Management System | LOT 1: Design and construction of the Central… | |
292670 | 06/12/2024 | The Supply of Fork Lift Truck - Empty Container Handling (FLT-ECH) and Additional Services | | |
292669 | 06/12/2024 | RFI- Technological Solution of Train Gauge Measurement Gates | | |
292678 | 08/12/2024 | ALGERIA-avviso di gara int. n°18/EPIC-ONEX/2024: Fornitura, installazione e messa in opera di rilevatori e separatori di metalli | n°18/EPIC-ONEX/2024 | |
292680 | 08/12/2024 | n°844/2024/SC1: Fornitura di pezzi di ricambio per la manutenzione di attrezzature e depositi di carburanti. | Fornitura di pezzi di ricambio per la manutenzione… | |
292684 | 08/12/2024 | Fornitura di 2 sistemi di rilevamento di esplosivi standard 3 (EDS3) per il controllo e l'ispezione del bagaglio da stiva nell'area di smistamento bagagli -2° pubblicazione | Da - Société de Gestion des Services… | |
292693 | 09/12/2024 | VIA RAIL RILASCIA UNA RFQ PER L’ACQUISTO DI 313 NUOVI TRENI A LUNGA PERCORRENZA | VIA Rail ha emesso una richiesta per qualifiche… | |
292703 | 10/12/2024 | servizi informatici consulenza sviluppo di software internet e supporto | … | |
292730 | 11/12/2024 | Costruzione di un complesso educativo e spazi ricreativi - scuola verde - | L'oggetto del presente appalto è la… | |
292706 | 11/12/2024 | sacche per il sangue | … | |
292727 | 11/12/2024 | Modernizzazione e integrazione nel sistema SCADA delle stazioni di trasformazione gestite da DELGAZ GRID – FASE 4 - 3 lotti - provincie di Iași, Neamț, Suceava | Richiesto il documento DGUE. Informazioni e… | |
292722 | 11/12/2024 | Acquisition de compteur gaz à membrane de calibre G4 | Acquisition de compteur gaz à membrane de… | |
292723 | 11/12/2024 | TORONTO TRANSIT COMMISSION EMETTE UNA RFP PER LA FORNITURA DI SISTEMI CBTC | La TTC ha aperto una banda per la fornitura,… | |
292718 | 11/12/2024 | Avis d'appel d'offres national et international restreint n°17/SOMIPHOS/IPA/2024 pour la fouriture, le montage et la mise en service et essais de performances de 2 nouveaux chargeurs semi mobile à quai pour le chargement de phosphates | La società SOMIPHOS Spa lance un avis… | |
292744 | 13/12/2024 | indumenti esterni | … | |
292763 | 16/12/2024 | Fornitura, supervisione del montaggio e messa in opera di no.01 motore elettrico | Société des Ciments de Hadjar Soud… | |
292762 | 16/12/2024 | Avis d'appel d'offres national et international ouvert n°117042624 pour la fourniture de pièces de rechange déstinées à la maintenance des organes des rames automotrices electriques | La Société Nationale des Transports… | |
292771 | 17/12/2024 | indumenti ad uso professionale | … | |
292776 | 17/12/2024 | Saudi Railway Company (SAR) is intending to connect Ports Services and Storage Company (PSS) to their rail network. | Saudi Railway Company announces a… | |
292787 | 17/12/2024 | Estensione e riabilitazione dell’infrastruttura idrica e delle acque reflue nelle zone Ghidigeni, Oltenitei, Cheile Turzii e Henri Coanda, del Municipio di Bucarest | Progettazione ed esecuzione dei lavori correlate… | |
292786 | 18/12/2024 | n°873/2024/DE1 | n°873/2024/DE1 pubblicato dal Ministero della… | |
292781 | 18/12/2024 | Supervision Engineer and Implementation Support of the Battery Energy Storage Systems Plant in Azraq | The Consultant will be the supervising engineer… | |
292780 | 18/12/2024 | attrezzatura per cucina industriale | … | |
292794 | 19/12/2024 | LA TTC ACQUISTA 55 NUOVI TRENI PER LA LINEA 2: RFP RILASCIATA | La Toronto Transit Commission ha emesso una gara… | |
292799 | 20/12/2024 | attrezzi di protezione | 783530-2024 - Gara - TED | |
292800 | 20/12/2024 | macchinari vari per usi generali e specifici | … | |
293017 | 20/12/2024 | Servizi di progettazione, assistenza tecnica da parte del progettante durate lo svolgimento dei lavori ed esecuzione dei lavori a fine dell’obiettivo “Crescita della qualità dei servizi sanitari locali attraverso lo sviluppo dell’infrastruttura dell’ospedale Comunale Salonta” | L'entrata in vigore del Contratto di Lavori… | |
292813 | 23/12/2024 | Design, supply and assembly of photovoltaic power plants FEBR-D1 and FEBR-D2 for Hydroelectric Power Plants on the Lower Sava River, d.o.o. | The object of the contract is the design, supply… | |
292812 | 23/12/2024 | scanner | … | |
292810 | 23/12/2024 | rimorchiatori | … | |
292811 | 23/12/2024 | autoveicoli di soccorso | 789276-2024 - Gara - TED | |
293055 | 24/12/2024 | Ritecnologizzazione CHE Stejaru. Ritecnologizzazione HA1÷HA4 e installazioni di centrali | Gli obiettivi generali perseguiti in relazione a… | |
292815 | 24/12/2024 | Mooring Buoys and Quick Release Hook of Offshore multi buoy mooring systems at Ashdod | | |
292816 | 24/12/2024 | Construction of the M6 gas transmission pipeline on the section from the Ajdovščina Compressor Station to the Sežana MRP | The subject of the order is the construction of… | |
292817 | 24/12/2024 | bambole | … | |
292825 | 26/12/2024 | Frame tender (five year) for supply of hydraulic oil | | |
292826 | 27/12/2024 | ambulanze | 795688-2024 - Gara - TED | |
292827 | 27/12/2024 | installazione di porte finestre e componenti connesse | … | |
292833 | 30/12/2024 | Development and Division of Supporting Industries Area | Development and Division of Supporting Industries… | |
292834 | 30/12/2024 | Development and Division of Supporting Industries Area | Development and Division of Supporting Industries… | |
292837 | 30/12/2024 | Project for Restoration, Covering and Beautification of the Bridge Intersection of Prince Abdulaziz bin Saad Road with the Ring Road | Project for Restoration, Covering and… | |
292838 | 30/12/2024 | Supply of vehicles for health care activities for DR. ADOLF DROLC HEALTH CENTER MARIBOR | The object of the contract is the supply of… | |
292840 | 30/12/2024 | Supply of emergency medical vehicles - ambulances for DR. ADOLF DROLC HEALTH CENTER MARIBOR | The object of the contract is the supply of three… | |
292832 | 30/12/2024 | Framework Agreement for Localizing the Security Surveillance Camera Industry | Framework Agreement for Localizing the Security… | |
292836 | 30/12/2024 | Project for Restoration, Covering and Beautification of the Bridge Intersection of Prince Abdulaziz bin Saad Road with the Ring Road | Project for Restoration, Covering and… | |
292835 | 30/12/2024 | schermi | … | |
292839 | 30/12/2024 | Construction of the "Velenje Technology Park - TecHub" | The subject of the public contract is the… | |
292855 | 31/12/2024 | Kuwait: Airport runway lighting -Supply of ground lighting for airport runways and taxiways | Description: Supply of ground lighting… | |
292854 | 31/12/2024 | Pipes- Supply of 6 and 12-inch pipes | Description: Supply of 6 and 12-inch pipes… | |
292850 | 31/12/2024 | Detail Notice Inviting Bids (E-Tender) (International Competitive Bidding) from prospective bidders fulfilling the Qualifying Requirement under Single-Stage Two-Envelope bidding system through International Competitive Bidding (ICB) route for carrying out the work of “EPC Turnkey execution of Heo Hydro Electric Project (240 MW), in Shi Yomi District, Arunachal Pradesh” | Scope of work: The scope of work under this… | |
292860 | 02/01/2025 | Invitation Notice (Global) for Supply of 1,000 Tablets of Busulphan Tablet 2mg | Order List No.: 2025/SPC/N/R/P/00038 Sr.No.:… | |
292859 | 02/01/2025 | Invitation Notice (Global) for Supply of 2,300 Capsules of Procarbazine Capsule 50mg | Order List No.: 2025/SPC/N/R/P/00038 Sr.No.:… | |
292862 | 02/01/2025 | Invitation Notice (Global) for Supply of 141,000 Tablets of Isoniazid 100mg | Order List No.: 2025/SPC/N/R/P/00092 Sr.No.:… | |
292861 | 02/01/2025 | Invitation Notice (Global) for Supply of 2,500 Tablets of Ethionamide Tablet 250mg | Order List No.: 2025/SPC/N/R/P/00092 Sr.No.:… | |
292879 | 03/01/2025 | Invitation Notice (Global) for Supply of 2,459,520 Tablets of Isoniazid 75mg + Rifampicin 150mg + Ethambutol 275mg + Pyrazinamide 400mg Tablet | Order List No.: 2025/SPC/N/C/P/00093 Sr.No.:… | |
292873 | 03/01/2025 | Supply of goods and provision of services for the maintenance of the Slovenian police HELICOPTER FLEET | The subject of the public procurement is the… | |
292877 | 03/01/2025 | Invitation Notice (Global) for Supply of 3,197,376 Tablets of Isoniazid 75mg + Rifampicin 150mg Tablet | Order List No.: 2025/SPC/N/C/P/00093 Sr.No.:… | |
292876 | 03/01/2025 | Construction of the Cira Cara kindergarten in Celje | The object of the contract is construction of the… | |
292869 | 03/01/2025 | Supply of Current, Voltage and Power Transducers (various voltage levels) for Substations and Switching Stations | | |
292872 | 03/01/2025 | Invitation Notice (Global) for Supply of 259,600 capsules of Rifampicin Capsule 150mg | Order List No.: 2025/SPC/N/R/P/00092 Sr.No.:… | |
292875 | 03/01/2025 | Invitation Notice (Global) for Supply of 241,248 Tablets of Isoniazid 75mg + Rifampicin 150mg + Ethambutol 275mg Tablet | Order List No.: 2025/SPC/N/C/P/00093 Sr.No.:… | |
292871 | 03/01/2025 | Invitation Notice (Global) for Supply of 59,808 Tablets of Pyrazinamide Tablet 500mg | Order List No.: 2025/SPC/N/R/P/00092 Sr.No.:… | |
292868 | 03/01/2025 | Integrated Waste Management Facilities Phase 2 (Public Works Programme Item No. 5189DR) | Integrated Waste Management Facilities Phase 2… | |
292881 | 03/01/2025 | Fourniture, transport à pied d'oeuvre et installation de 06 équipements de télécommande centralisée 33 kV de type intérieur (Lot1) et acquisition de deux bobines d'injection 11 kV et 02 bobines d'injection 33 kV (Lot2) | Fourniture, transport à pied d'oeuvre… | |
292874 | 03/01/2025 | Invitation Notice (Global) for Supply of 500 Bottles of Isoniazid Oral Solution 50mg/5ml, in 100ml Bottle | Order List No.: 2025/SPC/N/C/P/00093 Sr.No.:… | |
292882 | 03/01/2025 | Acquisition des détendeurs régulateurs de pression gaz en 05 lots | Acquisition des détendeurs… | |
292878 | 03/01/2025 | Supply of equipment and a gynecological table for the gynecological clinic of ZP MAGDALENA | The subject of the public procurement is the… | |
292884 | 06/01/2025 | LEAD EXTRACTION EQUIPMENT | | |
292887 | 06/01/2025 | Supply of MRI machine with RF CAGE and associated equipment and maintenance for DR. ADOLF DROLC HEALTH CENTER MARIBOR | The object of the contract is the supply of MRI… | |
292891 | 06/01/2025 | accumulatori nichel-cadmio | 4272-2025 - Gara - TED | |
292888 | 06/01/2025 | Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) Offline Hard Copy bids for Purchase of Maskless Laser Writer for Lithography | Item Description: Purchase of Maskless Laser… | |
292889 | 06/01/2025 | Supply of equipment for dental health offices for the DR. ADOLF DROLC HEALTH CENTER MARIBOR | The object of the contract is the supply of… | |
292890 | 06/01/2025 | E-procurement Tender through International Competitive Bidding (ICB) under Single Stage two Envelope (Technical & Financial) system for “Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Training of Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Protection and VAC Works for 9 Underground stations and 10 Elevated stations from R.K Salai station to Sholinganallur station including bored tunnel & viaduct between the stations, Cut & Cover tunnel, U Section and Elevated ramp (Ch. 17250.000 To Ch. 35437.030) For Corridor-3 of Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase II.” | Name of the Work: “Supply, Installation,… | |
292901 | 07/01/2025 | veicoli a motore | 6013-2025 - Gara - TED | |
292900 | 07/01/2025 | guanti monouso | 6337-2025 - Gara - TED | |
292903 | 07/01/2025 | autocisterne | 5899-2025 - Gara - TED | |
292894 | 07/01/2025 | Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) Offline Hard Copy bids for Purchase of Gas Chromatography with Helium Ionization Detector | Item Description: Purchase of Gas… | |
292899 | 07/01/2025 | Acquisition de papier à cigarettes 27 mm | Acquisition de papier à cigarettes 27 mm | |
292902 | 07/01/2025 | Avis d'appel d'offres national et international ouvert n°20/DAL/SGSIA/2024 pour l'acquisition d'effaroucheurs au profit de la SGSIA/Aéroport d'Alger | Avis d'appel d'offres national et… | |
292906 | 07/01/2025 | CENTRO GABRIELA MISTRAL II | Il progetto si svilupperà su 4 livelli SNC,… | |
292892 | 07/01/2025 | Invitation for bids/NIT for Purchase of High Efficiency Modular Pick and Place Machine | Description of… | |
292898 | 07/01/2025 | Travaux de réalisation de la station d'épuration de la ville de Hidra dans le gouvernorat de Kasserine | Travaux de réalisation de la station… | |
292897 | 07/01/2025 | Request For Information (RFI) for DC Meters for PV, Storage and Electric Vehicle Meters | | |
292896 | 07/01/2025 | Invitation for bids/NIT for Purchase of Probe Station (with cooling and heater) and Digital Temperature Controller | Description of… | |
292907 | 07/01/2025 | CONCESSIONE DEL SISTEMA DI ALLERTA TSUNAMI | Il progetto consiste nell'implementazione di… | |
292905 | 07/01/2025 | IMPIANTO DI DESALINIZZAZIONE PER LA REGIONE DI COQUIMBO | Il progetto consiste nella costruzione e nella… | |
292914 | 08/01/2025 | Avis d'appel d'offres national et international ouvert n°11038624 pour la fourniture de pièces de rechange déstinées à la maintenance des locomotives Diesel electrique | La Société Nationale des Transports… | |
292920 | 08/01/2025 | Acquisto di macchine agricole in 4 lotti | Avviso… | |
292909 | 08/01/2025 | Acquisition de licorice en poudre | Acquisition de licorice en poudre | |
292908 | 08/01/2025 | Acquisition de Matériels de Manutention | Acquisition de Matériels de… | |
292912 | 08/01/2025 | Avis d'appel d'offres national et international ouvert n°14/EPE/C&H SpA/2024 pour l'acquisition d'équipements de production - tricotage et finissage | L’Entreprise de Confection et Habillement… | |
292910 | 08/01/2025 | Purchase and delivery of a set of logging machines with two external winches for SLOVENIAN STATE FORESTS, D.O.O. | The subject of the public procurement is the… | |
292919 | 08/01/2025 | Acquisto di autobus elettrici | Avviso… | |
292911 | 08/01/2025 | attrezzature da laboratorio ottiche e di precisione (escluso vetri) | | |
292917 | 08/01/2025 | Lavori di rinnovo - viadotto | Avviso… | |
292926 | 09/01/2025 | Invitation for Bids / Notice Inviting Tender under Two Bid System (Technical Bid & Financial/Price Bid) for Supply Installation and commissioning of Automated Gas Pycnometer for Measurement for Powder Samples | Brief Description of Goods: Supply Installation… | |
292924 | 09/01/2025 | Fourniture des trois lots de bétons réfractaires | Fourniture des trois lots de bétons… | |
292921 | 09/01/2025 | indumenti ad uso professionale indumenti speciali da lavoro e accessori | | |
292922 | 09/01/2025 | tavolo per esami radiologici | | |
292927 | 09/01/2025 | Global Tender Enquiry under Two Bid System (Technical Bid & Price Bid) for Radial Forging Machine (Max, Forging Force 950 Ton) | Item: Radial, Forging Machine (Max, Forging… | |
292925 | 09/01/2025 | Réhabilitation des tronçons de la conduite d'adduction de Chott El Fejij à Gabès avec robinetterie dans le cadre du projet PAP: Lot1: fourniture et livraison de tuyaux et raccords et accessoires nécessaires en fonte ductile protégée DN 1000 mm et Lot2: Fourniture et livraison de robinetterie (vannes et ventouses) | Réhabilitation des tronçons de la… | |
292923 | 09/01/2025 | Notice inviting tender for Part Design and Construction of Viaduct of Length 7.298 kms. from Chainage 1202.782 m to Chainage 8501.25 m including seven (07) stations (Only platforms) namely Pushp Vihar, Saket District Court, Pushpa Bhawan, Chirag Delhi, GK-1, Andrews Ganj and Lajpat Nagar | Part Design and Construction of Viaduct of Length… | |
292929 | 09/01/2025 | Supply of electricity from renewable energy sources for LUKA KOPER, D.D. | The subject of the public procurement is the… | |
292928 | 09/01/2025 | Supply of wooden railway sleepers for SLOVENIAN RAILWAYS D.O.O. | The object of the contract is the supply of wooden… | |
292934 | 10/01/2025 | E-Tenders are invited for Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Automatic Fare Collection System (SLE, SC & CCS) for Phase-2A & 2B and Integration with Existing AFC System. | Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing… | |
292936 | 10/01/2025 | Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) for Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Signalling & Train control system for Capital Hospital to Trisulia Square corridor of Bhubaneswar Metro Phase-I MRTS | Name of Work: Delhi Metro Rail Corporation… | |
292933 | 10/01/2025 | Supply of thermal analysis equipment for the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY | The object of the contract is the supply of… | |
292938 | 10/01/2025 | Notice for Invitation for bids (IFB) for “Comp-Recipro (SPP)” for PDH PP Plant with Ethane and Propane Handling Facilities Project of Petronet LNG Limited, Dahej (Gujarat) (Global Competitive Bidding) | Engineers India Limited (EIL) has been engaged by… | |
292932 | 10/01/2025 | lavori di costruzione per opere idrauliche | | |
292935 | 10/01/2025 | Invitation for online Bids through e-tendering for Drawing, designing, engineering, fabrication, supply, installation, commissioning, trial run and training of Bioplastic Pellet Making System | Drawing, designing, engineering,… | |
292930 | 10/01/2025 | Invitation for Submission of Bids for Supply of Calzone Boxes (1st of April 2025 to 31st of March 2026) | Schedule of Requirements: No.: 1 Gr:… | |
292937 | 10/01/2025 | Notice Inviting Tender (Global) in two bid system for e-procurement for Digital Core Logger Along with required accessories | Description of Stores Digital Core Logger Along… | |
292931 | 10/01/2025 | attrezzature per cucina | | |
292939 | 12/01/2025 | Avis d'appel d'offres national et international ouvert n° 01/AE/DA/DG/ECDE/25 pour l'acquisition de briques réfractaires | L'Entreprise des Ciments de… | |
292941 | 12/01/2025 | Avis d'appel d'ofrres national et international ouvert n°17/2025/AV1 pour l'acquisition des batteries pour aéronefs | Le Ministère de la Défense Nationale… | |
292948 | 12/01/2025 | Implementation of rainwater drainage solutions for Area (G) Al-Sanabel and Al-Ajawid Part Two - 18818 | Implementation of rainwater drainage… | |
292949 | 12/01/2025 | Implementation of rainwater drainage solutions for Area (G) Al-Sanabel and Al-Ajawid Part Two - 18818 | Implementation of rainwater drainage… | |
292946 | 12/01/2025 | Tender for the supply and installation of medical curtains and office curtains for health centers affiliated with the General Administration of Prison Health | Tender for the supply and installation of medical… | |
292947 | 12/01/2025 | Tender for the supply and installation of medical curtains and office curtains for health centers affiliated with the General Administration of Prison Health | Tender for the supply and installation of medical… | |
292945 | 12/01/2025 | Expansion of Industrial Wastewater Collection Network in Jubail 2 | Expansion of Industrial Wastewater Collection… | |
292940 | 12/01/2025 | Avis d'appel d'offres national et international ouvert n°16/2025/AV1 pour l'acquisition de 8 avitailleurs à carburant aéronautique | Le Ministère de la Défense Nationale… | |
292950 | 12/01/2025 | Implementation of rainwater drainage solutions for Area (G) Al-Sanabel and Al-Ajawid Part Two - 18818 | Implementation of rainwater drainage… | |
292951 | 12/01/2025 | Avis d'appel d'offres national et international ouvert n°15/2025/CG1 pour l'acquisition de 2 lots (in allegato) | Le Ministère de la Défense Nationale… | |
292958 | 13/01/2025 | Procurement Notice (Global) for Supply of 2,200,000 vials of Biphasic Isophane Insulin Injection (Human) 30% soluble/70% Isophane | Order List No.: 2025/SPC/N/R/P/00057 Sr.No.:… | |
292957 | 13/01/2025 | strumenti per veicoli | | |
292955 | 13/01/2025 | Procurement Notice (Global) for Supply of 500,000 PFSY of Enoxaparin sodium injection 6,000IU/0.6ml PFSY/vial | Order List No.: 2025/SPC/N/R/P/00087 Sr.No.:… | |
292959 | 13/01/2025 | Supply and installation of sports equipment for the Employee Recreation Services Department at King Abdulaziz Hospital in Al-Ahsa, affiliated with the Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs. | Supply and installation of sports equipment… | |
292961 | 13/01/2025 | Construction, trade and electrical installation works for the construction of the IVANCNA GORICA Cultural and Administrative Center | The subject of the public procurement for the… | |
292960 | 13/01/2025 | Supply of rust protection chemicals for the Saudi Water Authority, Yanbu West Coast Production System | Supply of rust protection chemicals for the Saudi… | |
292954 | 13/01/2025 | Purchase of 4 new electric minibuses for public transport for the MUNICIPALITY OF PIRAN | The subject of the public procurement is the… | |
292962 | 13/01/2025 | supplying Summer and Winter suits for the General Department of Security and Safety Employees | supplying Summer and Winter suits for the General… | |
292953 | 13/01/2025 | Invitation for bids for Construction of additional Bridges/Viaduct and other miscellaneous works in connection with proposed 3rd & 4th line between Kalyan-Badlapur stations of Central Railway. | Construction of additional… | |
292956 | 13/01/2025 | schermi di visualizzazione | | |
292983 | 14/01/2025 | Avis d'appel d'offres national et international n°01/DL/2025 pour la fourniture des équipements de radionavigation composés de 3 VOR/C, 7 DME/RVOR et 14 | L’Etablissement National de la Navigation… | |
292988 | 14/01/2025 | Lavori di riabilitazione di strade | Lavori di riabilitazione di strade Procurement… | |
292987 | 14/01/2025 | Lavori di riabilitazione di strade | Lavori di riabilitazione di… | |
292977 | 14/01/2025 | Geological Study and Inventory of Active and Dry Springs and Aflaj in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | Geological Study and Inventory of Active and Dry… | |
292967 | 14/01/2025 | Tender for the project to supply and install medical gas equipment at Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal Hospital in Dammam, affiliated with the Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs | Tender for the project to supply and install… | |
292970 | 14/01/2025 | Fourniture d’un (01) lot de 11200 tubes en Cupro-Nickel pour l’usine Acide Phosphorique du Groupe Chimique Tunisien à Gabès | Fourniture d’un (01) lot de 11200 tubes en… | |
292975 | 14/01/2025 | Supply, Installation, Testing and Operation of Dental Simulation Laboratory Project | Supply, Installation, Testing and Operation of… | |
292979 | 14/01/2025 | Apparecchi di illuminazione e lampade elettriche | | |
292964 | 14/01/2025 | Invitation for Bids (IFB) through International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedure for Supply of 02 Nos. Swivel End Type Cylindrical Buoys | The Chairman, Department Procurement Committee… | |
292982 | 14/01/2025 | Lavori di smantellamento di un edificio esistente, lavori di costruzione di un nuovo edificio e lavori di sistemazione del terreno circostante | Lavori di smantellamento di un edificio esistente,… | |
292985 | 14/01/2025 | Lavori di asfaltatura delle strade | Lavori di asfaltatura delle strade Procurement… | |
292986 | 14/01/2025 | Avis d'appel d'offres national et international ouvert n°20/2025/FD1 pour l'acquisition de 2 lots (in allegato) | Le Ministère de la Défense Nationale… | |
292973 | 14/01/2025 | Fourniture et remplacement de deux Boucles de Circulation des lignes A et B de l’Unité 2700 pour l’Usine Acide Phosphorique à Gabès | Fourniture et remplacement de deux… | |
292974 | 14/01/2025 | Supply, Installation, Testing and Operation of Dental Simulation Laboratory Project | Supply, Installation, Testing and Operation of… | |
292965 | 14/01/2025 | Notice inviting tenders for Providing Solar Highway Lighting at 104 locations in Anakapalli Diwancheruvu of NH16 Diwancheruvu Gundugolanu of NH216A Gundugolanu Kovvuru of NH16 and Kathipudi Kakinada of NH216 for rectification of MoRTH identified Blackspots and Accidentspots | Providing Solar Highway Lighting at 104 locations… | |
292984 | 14/01/2025 | Lavori di asfaltatura delle strade | Lavori di asfaltatura delle… | |
292978 | 14/01/2025 | veicoli a motore | | |
292968 | 14/01/2025 | Request for proposal for Const of flyovers VUPs along with slip roads at Lalacheruvu at ITC Junc and at Vemagiri for rectification of BS on NH216A in Andhra Pradesh on EPC mode | Const of flyovers VUPs along with slip roads | |
292991 | 14/01/2025 | MIGLIORAMENTO DELLA STRADA RUTA 7 SUR EL MANZANO-COCHRANE, SETTORE: CUESTA EL TRARO - ACCESO SUR COCHRANE | Il progetto consiste nel miglioramento della… | |
292966 | 14/01/2025 | Tender for the project to supply and install medical gas equipment at Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal Hospital in Dammam, affiliated with the Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs | Tender for the project to supply and install… | |
292976 | 14/01/2025 | Geological Study and Inventory of Active and Dry Springs and Aflaj in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | Geological Study and Inventory of Active and Dry… | |
292969 | 14/01/2025 | Live Interpretation and Text Translation Services for the Authority’s Channels (News, Saudi, Saudi Now, Sports) | Live Interpretation and Text Translation Services… | |
292980 | 14/01/2025 | Lavori di costruzione di un complesso sportivo | Lavori di costruzione di un complesso… | |
292981 | 14/01/2025 | Lavori di costruzione di una scuola di musica | Lavori di costruzione di una scuola di… | |
292971 | 14/01/2025 | Supply of lighting and electrical accessories to operate land forces sites | Supply of lighting and electrical accessories to… | |
292990 | 14/01/2025 | COSTRUZIONE LINEA 9 METRO S.A. | Il progetto consiste nella costruzione e… | |
293011 | 15/01/2025 | Supply and renewal of cybersecurity devices and licenses with technical support and maintenance services centrally in King Abdulaziz Medical City in Riyadh, serving King Abdulaziz Medical City in Jeddah, King Abdulaziz Hospital in Al-Ahsa, Imam Abdulrahman Al Faisal Hospital in Dammam, and Prince Mohammed bin Abdulaziz Hospital in Medina, affiliated with the Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs. | Supply and renewal of cybersecurity devices… | |
292998 | 15/01/2025 | Purchase of a robotic system for the preparation, storage and distribution of medicines for the SB NM PHARMACY | The object of the contract is the purchase of a… | |
293013 | 15/01/2025 | Supply and renewal of cybersecurity devices and licenses with technical support and maintenance services centrally in King Abdulaziz Medical City in Riyadh, serving King Abdulaziz Medical City in Jeddah, King Abdulaziz Hospital in Al-Ahsa, Imam Abdulrahman Al Faisal Hospital in Dammam, and Prince Mohammed bin Abdulaziz Hospital in Medina, affiliated with the Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs. | Supply and renewal of cybersecurity devices… | |
293008 | 15/01/2025 | Supply and installation of parquet flooring and wallpaper for the wall of the Royal Hall at the Sports Stadium at King Abdulaziz Military College | Supply and installation of parquet flooring and… | |
293014 | 15/01/2025 | Supply and renewal of cybersecurity devices and licenses with technical support and maintenance services centrally in King Abdulaziz Medical City in Riyadh, serving King Abdulaziz Medical City in Jeddah, King Abdulaziz Hospital in Al-Ahsa, Imam Abdulrahman Al Faisal Hospital in Dammam, and Prince Mohammed bin Abdulaziz Hospital in Medina, affiliated with the Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs. | Supply and renewal of cybersecurity devices… | |
293012 | 15/01/2025 | Supply and renewal of cybersecurity devices and licenses with technical support and maintenance services centrally in King Abdulaziz Medical City in Riyadh, serving King Abdulaziz Medical City in Jeddah, King Abdulaziz Hospital in Al-Ahsa, Imam Abdulrahman Al Faisal Hospital in Dammam, and Prince Mohammed bin Abdulaziz Hospital in Medina, affiliated with the Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs. | Supply and renewal of cybersecurity devices… | |
292993 | 15/01/2025 | Turkmennebit Announces International Tender for the Purchase of Electrical and Geophysical Equipment | Turkmennebit SC on behalf of the tender commission… | |
292994 | 15/01/2025 | Turkmen Ministry of Healthcare and Medical Industry Аnnounces International Tender | Ministry of Healthcare and Medical Industry of… | |
293002 | 15/01/2025 | supplying (200) iron bags Competition No.: 4600815945 | supplying (200) iron bags Competition No.:… | |
293004 | 15/01/2025 | E-Tender Notice (Global Tender Enquiry) in (Two Bid System) for the supply, installation & commissioning of Cage Changing Cum Microbiological Safety Cabinet | Name of the Equipment: Supply, installation… | |
293003 | 15/01/2025 | Development of the meeting hall in the main building of the Authority - Al-Ghadeer District | Development of the meeting hall in the main… | |
292999 | 15/01/2025 | uniformi per vigili del fuoco | | |
293016 | 15/01/2025 | Avis d'appel d'offres national n°001/EPIC-ERIS/2025 pour l'acquisition de chaines gourmettes | L'EPIC de Sériana lance un avis… | |
293010 | 15/01/2025 | Supply and installation of parquet flooring and wallpaper for the wall of the Royal Hall at the Sports Stadium at King Abdulaziz Military College | Supply and installation of parquet flooring and… | |
292996 | 15/01/2025 | Turkmennebit Reannounces for the Development of an Automated Energy Resource Accounting System | Türkmennebit SC on behalf of the Tender… | |
293015 | 15/01/2025 | Avis d'appel d'offres national et international restreint n°01/01/ATM/DG/DPMGC/25 | ATM Mobilis lance un avis d'appel d'offres… | |
293009 | 15/01/2025 | Supply and installation of parquet flooring and wallpaper for the wall of the Royal Hall at the Sports Stadium at King Abdulaziz Military College | Supply and installation of parquet flooring and… | |
293000 | 15/01/2025 | Invitation for Bids (IFB) for BESS Package for Development of 2500 MW/10000 MWH BESS at NTPC Thermal Stations (International Competitive Bidding) | Salient Technical Features for BESS package for… | |
292995 | 15/01/2025 | Ministry of Industry and Construction Production announces tender for the overhaul of production facilities | The Ministry of Industry and Construction of… | |
293007 | 15/01/2025 | Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) Offline Hard Copy bids for Purchase of Electron Beam Lithography (EBL) System | Item Description: Purchase of Electron Beam… | |
292992 | 15/01/2025 | Turkmennebit announces international tender for purchase of specialized equipment | Turkmennebit SC on behalf of the tender commission… | |
293001 | 15/01/2025 | supplying (200) iron bags Competition No.: 4600815945 | supplying (200) iron bags Competition No.:… | |
293005 | 15/01/2025 | Development of the meeting hall in the main building of the Authority - Al-Ghadeer District | Development of the meeting hall in the main… | |
293006 | 15/01/2025 | Development of the meeting hall in the main building of the Authority - Al-Ghadeer District | Development of the meeting hall in the main… | |
293026 | 16/01/2025 | Lavori di costruzione di una scuola di musica | Lavori di costruzione di una scuola di musica | |
293031 | 16/01/2025 | Lavori di asfaltatura delle strade | Lavori di asfaltatura delle strade | |
293022 | 16/01/2025 | munizioni | | |
293024 | 16/01/2025 | ONSTRUCTION OF BLVD MAKEDONIJA -PHASE 2 | Construction works, blvd Makedonija, phase 2 | |
293023 | 16/01/2025 | BANDO PUBBLICO PER ASSISTENZA FINANZIARIA PER L'INTRODUZIONE DI NUOVE ROTTE AEREE | Il Ministero dei Trasporti ha lanciato un… | |
293027 | 16/01/2025 | Appel d'offres national et international restreint n°01/SCM/SCIMAT-2025 pour la fourniture, supervision de montage, essai et mise ne service d'organes mécaniques pour fours et broyeurs farine cru de la Cimenterie de Ain Touta | Société des Ciments de Ain Touta… | |
293018 | 16/01/2025 | Framework Agreement for supply of 10 LFP/NMC Battery Energy Storage Systems of 10MW X 4hrs by way of EPC (Engineering, Procurement & Construction) | | |
293020 | 16/01/2025 | attrezzature da laboratorio ottiche e di precisione (escluso vetri) | | |
293029 | 16/01/2025 | Lavori di asfaltatura delle strade | Lavori di asfaltatura delle strade Procurement… | |
293028 | 16/01/2025 | Lavori di costruzione di un complesso sportivo | Lavori di costruzione di un complesso… | |
293030 | 16/01/2025 | Lavori di smantellamento di un edificio esistente, lavori di costruzione di un nuovo edificio e lavori di sistemazione del terreno circostante | Lavori di smantellamento di un edificio esistente,… | |
293021 | 16/01/2025 | lavori di ossatura in calcestruzzo | | |
293025 | 16/01/2025 | Reconstruction and expansion of blvd. Hasan Pristina | Reconstruction and expansion of blvd Hasan… | |
293034 | 17/01/2025 | Lavori di costruzione di un club del cinema | Lavori di costruzione di un club del… | |
293037 | 17/01/2025 | Lavori di ripristino degli ascensori | Lavori di ripristino degli… | |
293039 | 17/01/2025 | ricevitori radiofonici e televisivi e apparecchi per la registrazione o la riproduzione del suono o dell'immagine | | |
293049 | 17/01/2025 | Purchase of equipment for the needs of UNIVERSITY CLINICAL CENTER OF LJUBLJANA | The object of the contract is the purchase of… | |
293048 | 17/01/2025 | Sistemazione di un canale di drenaggio | Sistemazione di un canale di… | |
293050 | 17/01/2025 | Lavori di riabilitazione di strade | Lavori di riabilitazione di strade Procurement… | |
293060 | 17/01/2025 | Supply of system for wireless FFR, RFR, IMR and CFR measurements for intravenous use for CELJE GENERAL HOSPITAL | The object of the contract is the supply of a… | |
293047 | 17/01/2025 | Lavori di riabilitazione di strade | Lavori di riabilitazione di strade Procurement… | |
293059 | 17/01/2025 | Appalto statale di materiali ausiliari necessari per piantare cespugli e alberi decorativi nella città di Tbilisi | Tbilisi City Hall | |
293053 | 17/01/2025 | Lavori di costruzione di un complesso sportivo | Lavori di costruzione di un complesso… | |
293033 | 17/01/2025 | Lavori di riabilitazione di strade | Lavori di riabilitazione di strade Procurement… | |
293036 | 17/01/2025 | Lavori di riabilitazione stradale | Lavori di riabilitazione… | |
293035 | 17/01/2025 | Lavori di riabilitazione di strade | Lavori di riabilitazione di strade Procurement… | |
293032 | 17/01/2025 | Lavori di riabilitazione di strade | Lavori di riabilitazione di strade Procurement… | |
293044 | 17/01/2025 | Appalto statale di materiali ausiliari necessari per la piantumazione di alberi e cespugli decorativi | Appalto statale di materiali ausiliari necessari… | |
293058 | 17/01/2025 | Lavori di asfaltatura delle strade | Lavori di asfaltatura delle strade | |
293045 | 17/01/2025 | Acquisition de 190 tonnes de propylène glycol USP/EP grade pharmaceutique (130 tonnes pour la RNTA et 60 tonnes pour la MTK) Pièces à fournir par le soumissionnaire: | Acquisition de 190 tonnes de propylène… | |
293052 | 17/01/2025 | Lavori di riabilitazione di strade | Lavori di riabilitazione di… | |
293038 | 17/01/2025 | Lavori di riabilitazione di una via | Lavori di riabilitazione di una via Procurement… | |
293041 | 17/01/2025 | Appalto statale di materiali ausiliari necessari per piantare cespugli e alberi decorativi nella città di Tbilisi | Tbilisi City Hall | |
293043 | 17/01/2025 | Acquisition des moteurs thermiques PERKINS pour chariot élévateur en 05 lots | Acquisition des moteurs thermiques PERKINS pour… | |
293051 | 17/01/2025 | Lavori di riabilitazione stradale | Lavori di riabilitazione stradale Procurement… | |
293056 | 17/01/2025 | Lavori di asfaltatura delle strade | Lavori di asfaltatura delle strade Procurement… | |
293057 | 17/01/2025 | Lavori di costruzione di una scuola di musica | Lavori di costruzione di una scuola di musica | |
293054 | 17/01/2025 | Lavori di smantellamento di un edificio esistente, lavori di costruzione di un nuovo edificio e lavori di sistemazione del terreno circostante | Lavori di smantellamento di un edificio esistente,… | |
293040 | 17/01/2025 | lavori di installazione di ascensori | | |
293042 | 17/01/2025 | Lavori di costruzione di un canale di acqua potabile | Lavori di costruzione di un canale di acqua… | |
293046 | 17/01/2025 | Purchase of equipment for infantry armament for the MINISTRY OF DEFENCE | The object of the contract is the purchase of… | |
293065 | 20/01/2025 | Project to implement the works of supplying and installing chargers for electric cars at the Western Region Command Camp | Project to implement the works of supplying… | |
293067 | 20/01/2025 | Framework Agreement for the Supply of Vehicle and Car Tyres | Framework Agreement for the Supply of… | |
293062 | 20/01/2025 | Supply of Locks and Keys | Supply of Locks and Keys Competition No.:… | |
293063 | 20/01/2025 | Supply of Locks and Keys | Supply of Locks and Keys Competition No.:… | |
293071 | 20/01/2025 | Sale and purchase of approx. 7,119,700 tons of bulk wheat (Triticum aestivum) for the INSTITUTE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA FOR COMMODITY RESERVES | The object of the contract is the sale and… | |
293074 | 20/01/2025 | Purchase of a GVC-2 fire truck for water transport for the FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE KRANJ | The subject of the public procurement is the… | |
293072 | 20/01/2025 | Supplying Pumps for Sewage Stations for the Administration of King Abdulaziz Military City in Tabuk | Supplying Pumps for Sewage Stations for the… | |
293073 | 20/01/2025 | Supplying Pumps for Sewage Stations for the Administration of King Abdulaziz Military City in Tabuk | Supplying Pumps for Sewage Stations for the… | |
293069 | 20/01/2025 | Competition to provide furniture and non-medical equipment for the emergency building at Yanbu Hospital - Madinah Health Cluster | Competition to provide furniture and non-medical… | |
293070 | 20/01/2025 | calzature diverse dalle calzature sportive e protettive | | |
293068 | 20/01/2025 | indumenti ad uso professionale | | |
293076 | 20/01/2025 | lavori di costruzione per operere idrauliche | | |
293064 | 20/01/2025 | Supply of Locks and Keys | Supply of Locks and Keys Competition No.:… | |
293066 | 20/01/2025 | Project to implement the works of supplying and installing chargers for electric cars at the Western Region Command Camp | Project to implement the works of supplying… | |
293086 | 21/01/2025 | Purchase of M3 category electric buses for the MUNICIPALITY OF LJUBLJANA | The subject of the public procurement is the… | |
293101 | 21/01/2025 | Supply of pumps for the desalination and drainage station at Ras Mishaab Military Port | Supply of pumps for the desalination and drainage… | |
293102 | 21/01/2025 | Supply of pumps for the desalination and drainage station at Ras Mishaab Military Port | Supply of pumps for the desalination and drainage… | |
293082 | 21/01/2025 | Lavori di riabilitazione di strade | Lavori di riabilitazione di… | |
293103 | 21/01/2025 | Supply of pumps for the desalination and drainage station at Ras Mishaab Military Port | Supply of pumps for the desalination and drainage… | |
293085 | 21/01/2025 | Fourniture en rendu jusqu'aux parcs de la SONEDE sis à Sousse, Mégrine, Sfax et Tunis de colliers de prise en charge en fonte en 03 lots | Fourniture en rendu jusqu'aux parcs de la… | |
293087 | 21/01/2025 | Acquisition de 418 bus au profit des sociétés nationales et internationales de transport terrestre | 40 autocars 320 autobus articules 58… | |
293088 | 21/01/2025 | State procurement of new servers, data storage and backup system infrastructure for the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, in accordance with the technical terms of reference, Annex N1. Year 2025. | State procurement of new servers, data storage and… | |
293099 | 21/01/2025 | Replacing damaged lighting poles in the scope of the Ahad Municipality in Medina | Replacing damaged lighting poles in the scope of… | |
293090 | 21/01/2025 | Lavori di copertura in cemento di strade | Lavori di copertura in cemento di… | |
293104 | 21/01/2025 | Avis d'appel d'offres national et international ouvert n°26/2025/PA2 pour la prestation de la maintenance préventive et curative des équipements des chaines de montage de production | Avis d'appel d'offres national et… | |
293081 | 21/01/2025 | Lavori di riabilitazione di strade | Lavori di riabilitazione di strade Procurement… | |
293093 | 21/01/2025 | Lavori di riabilitazione di strade | Lavori di riabilitazione di… | |
293094 | 21/01/2025 | Lavori di riabilitazione di viale Rustaveli | Lavori di riabilitazione di viale… | |
293095 | 21/01/2025 | Lavori di riabilitazione di strade | Lavori di riabilitazione di strade Procurement… | |
293096 | 21/01/2025 | State procurement of new servers, data storage and backup system infrastructure for the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, in accordance with the technical terms of reference, Annex N1. Year 2025. | State procurement of new servers, data storage and… | |
293098 | 21/01/2025 | Replacing damaged lighting poles in the scope of the Ahad Municipality in Medina | Replacing damaged lighting poles in the scope of… | |
293100 | 21/01/2025 | Supply of pumps for the desalination and drainage station at Ras Mishaab Military Port | Supply of pumps for the desalination and drainage… | |
293097 | 21/01/2025 | Lighting for Jizan city and its villages | Lighting for Jizan city and its… | |
293083 | 21/01/2025 | Lavori di riabilitazione di viale Rustaveli | Lavori di riabilitazione di viale… | |
293080 | 21/01/2025 | Rehabilitation of Kraalhoek internal road | Rehabilitation of Kraalhoek internal… | |
293089 | 21/01/2025 | Lavori di Asfaltatura di Via Marjanishvili a Kvareli | Lavori di Asfaltatura di Via Marjanishvili a… | |
293091 | 21/01/2025 | Lavori di asfaltatura di una via | Lavori di asfaltatura di una… | |
293084 | 21/01/2025 | mobili per uso medico esclusi letti e tavoli | | |
293092 | 21/01/2025 | Lavori di asfaltatura di una strada a Kvareli | Lavori di asfaltatura di una strada a… | |
293115 | 22/01/2025 | Lavori di sistemazione di un complesso sportivo | Lavori di sistemazione di un complesso… | |
293113 | 22/01/2025 | Lavori di riabilitazione del viale Cholokashvili a Tbilisi | Lavori di riabilitazione di un viale Cholokashvili… | |
293109 | 22/01/2025 | Lavori di asfaltatura di strade | Lavori di asfaltatura di strade Procurement… | |
293114 | 22/01/2025 | Lavori di riabilitazione di Via Cholokashvili | Lavori di riabilitazione di Via… | |
293106 | 22/01/2025 | Purchase of MRI system with RF cage for BREZICE GENERAL HOSPITAL | The subject of the public procurement is the… | |
293110 | 22/01/2025 | Lavori di sistemazione di riserve di acqua potabile e di reti di distribuzione | Lavori di sistemazione di riserve di acqua… | |
293142 | 23/01/2025 | Avis d'appel d'offres national et international ouvert n°03/DL/2025 pour l'acquisition d'un lot de balisage lumineux pour piste 9/27 aérodrome d'Alger | L'Etablissement National de la Navigation… | |
293145 | 23/01/2025 | Contract For The Supply of Medical Appliances | FIND ALL THE INFORMATION ATTACHED | |
293138 | 23/01/2025 | Supply of monitors for monitoring vital functions and a central control stations for DR. FRANCE DERGANC GENERAL HOSPITAL | The subject of the public procurement covers the… | |
293149 | 23/01/2025 | Acquisto di macchinari per la manutenzione di aree verdi | Avviso… | |
293150 | 23/01/2025 | Acquisto di carrello elevatore | Avviso… | |
293137 | 23/01/2025 | veicoli antincendio | | |
293148 | 23/01/2025 | Acquisto di macchine agricole | Avviso… | |
293143 | 23/01/2025 | Avis d'appel d'offres national et international ouvert n°32/2025/TA6 pour l'acquisition d'une solution de réalisation des croquis de scènes d'accidents, scènes de crimes et scènes d'incendies | Le Ministère de la Défense Nationale… | |
293168 | 24/01/2025 | calzature protettive | |