Blue Economy Forum 2024 - PROGRAMME


08:30 Arrival and registration
09:00 Opening address of the host
  Giacomo Ricciotti, Director, Italian Trade Agency in Ljubljana, Slovenia

Welcome address

  H.E. Giuseppe Cavagna, Ambassador of Italy to Slovenia
09:20 Welcome address

Lidija Kegljevič Zagorc, State Secretary, Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia


Challenges of the climate change and biodiversity loss in the area of North Adriatic


Increasing sea level, mitigation measures and water management


Keynote lecture 1

Primož Banovec, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (PDF)

10:00 Water management, disaster prevention and mitigation measures

Keynote lecture 2

Michele Greco, Department of Engineering, University of Basilicata, Italy (PDF)



Coffee Break

10:45 Challenges in rebuilding the infrastructure for the adaptation to mitigate climate change

Beatrice Majone, Board Member, OICE - Italian engineering, architectural and technical economic consulting organizations

11:15 Panel 1: Water, coastal management and infrastructure

Enrico Altran, Head of Program Management AcegasApsAmga S.p.A., Italy (PDF)                         

Marco Politi, SeniorVicePresident Sales & Marketing, DBA GROUP S.p.A., Italy

Stefano Ripari, Civil Engineer & Partner of Politecnica Ingegneria e Architettura, Italy (PDF)

Davide Russo, CEO - Technical Director, Idrostudi S.r.l., Italy

Diego Santaliana, Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico - Upper Adriatic Technology Park, Italy

Moderator: Michele Greco, Department of Engineering, University of Basilicata, Italy

Best practices: flooding disasters and prevention

12:15 Flooding disasters: The case of Emilia-Romagna

Armando Brath, University of Bologna - Alma Mater Studiorum, Italy


12:45 Flooding disasters: the case of Slovenia

Ervin Vivoda, Head of Division, Natural Disasters Reduction Division, Water Directorate, Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia


13:15 Buffet Lunch
14:15 National and international port infrastructure, shipping, and logistics dynamics

Luigi Fuzio, CEO Intesa SanPaolo Bank Slovenia

Massimo Deandreis, General Manager, SRM Research Center for Economic Studies, IntesaSanpaolo Group

Alessandro Panaro, Head of Maritime & Energy Dept., SRM Research Center for Economic Studies, IntesaSanpaolo Group


15:00 Panel 2: Biodiversity loss prevention and mitigation

Vinko Bandelj, National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS, Italy (PDF)

Hana Hanžek-Turnšek, YouSea Institute, Institute for Conservation of Marine Biodiversity, Slovenia (PDF)

Tina Kosjek, Environmental Sciences Dept Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia

Martina Orlando-Bonaca, Marine Biology Station Piran, National Institute of Biology, Slovenia (PDF)

Jerneja Penca, Science and Research Centre Koper, Mediterranean Institute for Environmental Studies, Slovenia

Moderator: Jurij Giacomelli, President, Italian-Slovenian Forum, Slovenia

16.00 Conclusions of the conference
16.10 Business Networking session for participating companies
16.30 End of the programme


Working language: English (no translation services provided)