08:30 | Arrival and registration |
09:00 | Opening address of the host |
Giacomo Ricciotti, Director, Italian Trade Agency in Ljubljana, Slovenia | |
09:10 |
Welcome address |
H.E. Giuseppe Cavagna, Ambassador of Italy to Slovenia | |
09:20 | Welcome address |
Lidija Kegljevič Zagorc, State Secretary, Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia |
Challenges of the climate change and biodiversity loss in the area of North Adriatic
09:30 |
Increasing sea level, mitigation measures and water management |
Keynote lecture 1 Primož Banovec, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (PDF) Q&A |
10:00 | Water management, disaster prevention and mitigation measures |
Keynote lecture 2 Michele Greco, Department of Engineering, University of Basilicata, Italy (PDF) Q&A |
10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:45 | Challenges in rebuilding the infrastructure for the adaptation to mitigate climate change |
Beatrice Majone, Board Member, OICE - Italian engineering, architectural and technical economic consulting organizations Q&A |
11:15 | Panel 1: Water, coastal management and infrastructure |
Enrico Altran, Head of Program Management AcegasApsAmga S.p.A., Italy (PDF) Marco Politi, SeniorVicePresident Sales & Marketing, DBA GROUP S.p.A., Italy Stefano Ripari, Civil Engineer & Partner of Politecnica Ingegneria e Architettura, Italy (PDF) Davide Russo, CEO - Technical Director, Idrostudi S.r.l., Italy Diego Santaliana, Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico - Upper Adriatic Technology Park, Italy Moderator: Michele Greco, Department of Engineering, University of Basilicata, Italy |
Best practices: flooding disasters and prevention
12:15 | Flooding disasters: The case of Emilia-Romagna |
Armando Brath, University of Bologna - Alma Mater Studiorum, Italy Q&A |
12:45 | Flooding disasters: the case of Slovenia |
Ervin Vivoda, Head of Division, Natural Disasters Reduction Division, Water Directorate, Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia Q&A |
13:15 | Buffet Lunch |
14:15 | National and international port infrastructure, shipping, and logistics dynamics |
Luigi Fuzio, CEO Intesa SanPaolo Bank Slovenia Massimo Deandreis, General Manager, SRM Research Center for Economic Studies, IntesaSanpaolo Group Alessandro Panaro, Head of Maritime & Energy Dept., SRM Research Center for Economic Studies, IntesaSanpaolo Group Q&A |
15:00 | Panel 2: Biodiversity loss prevention and mitigation |
Vinko Bandelj, National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS, Italy (PDF) Hana Hanžek-Turnšek, YouSea Institute, Institute for Conservation of Marine Biodiversity, Slovenia (PDF) Tina Kosjek, Environmental Sciences Dept Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia Martina Orlando-Bonaca, Marine Biology Station Piran, National Institute of Biology, Slovenia (PDF) Jerneja Penca, Science and Research Centre Koper, Mediterranean Institute for Environmental Studies, Slovenia Moderator: Jurij Giacomelli, President, Italian-Slovenian Forum, Slovenia |
16.00 | Conclusions of the conference |
16.10 | Business Networking session for participating companies |
16.30 | End of the programme |
Working language: English (no translation services provided)