News dalla rete ITA

19 Maggio 2023



The impressive Croatian ReversingLabs software company is aiming for the very prestigious unicorn status with its brand new product. It seems they have a very good chance of success.There are countless channels for attack, from messages, emails, links and documents we open, to the basic pages we browse. The methods these hackers and attacks use are constantly developing and improving. ReversingLabs specializes precisely in cyber security and artificial intelligence (AI) will be another component that will further complicate the fight between the good and bad online.ReversingLabs is currently seeking an opportunity to achieve the goal they are striving for the most - to become a unicorn, that is, a company worth a billion US dollars.Europe is important to them, but it is a smaller market, and the general level of awareness of cyber security, as well as the budgets dedicated to it, are much lower. The latest investment was led by the private equity fund Crosspoint Capital, which is interesting for several reasons. It is led by some of the giants of the technology industry in the modern day, and one of the partners in the fund is Greg Clark, a big name in the world of cyber security who managed Symantec, a well-known American software giant, for several years. They recognised the potential of the technology that ReversingLabs has developed and believe that we can become a unicorn. (ICE ZAGABRIA)

Fonte notizia: Total Croatia news, 05.05.2023.