News dalla rete ITA

18 Luglio 2023



The Croatian AGRIVI is a world leader and has been bringing various forms of technology and digitisation to agriculture for a while now. It recently presented yet another technological solution – AGRIVI Ed.This piece of innovation is an artificial intelligence-based product capable of providing expert advice to farmers on optimal seed selection, recommending suitable products to protect crops from specific pests or diseases, and providing insight into fertilisers and regenerative practices.In addition to all of that, Ed can offer advice on crop insurance, financing options and practices that lead to the best crop quality.The Croatian AGRIVI has also stated that it Ed is very specific in its accessibility. “Considering that not all farmers are skilled in using more complex digital solutions, Ed is available on the well-known communication platform WhatsApp. In addition, farmers can communicate with Ed in more than 50 languages, and receive advice in their language that is adapted to the country and the regulations in which/under which they work”, explained Matija Zulj, the director of AGRIVI.Zulj also explained that with Ed, or the AI agronomic advisor, they want to enable digitisation and the application of innovative technologies to the entire agricultural ecosystem, all with the goal of smarter and more sustainable crop management.Zulj noted that the comprehensive AGRIVI 360 platform for farm management has generated outstanding results, especially among large professional farms that were quick to take advantage of the digitalisation and the so-called agtech revolution. However, the fact remains that most of the of the world’s farms still do not use all the benefits of technology. (ICE ZAGABRIA)

Fonte notizia: Total Croatia news, 15.07.2023.