News dalla rete ITA

25 Luglio 2023



The Indonesian government has merged the quarantine agency, which was previously under multiple ministries, into one agency directly responsible to the President. This fusion is expected to have a positive impact on the export-import process and strengthen the institution's position in cross-country quarantine negotiations. Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 45 of 2023, promulgated on July 20, 2023, defines the Indonesian Quarantine Agency as a government agency under and responsible to the President. The agency will be led by a head overseeing the deputy for animal quarantine, fish quarantine, and plant quarantine. The fusion will also provide the Indonesian Quarantine Agency with a position and bargaining power when establishing cooperation and quarantine agreements with other countries.However, close coordination between the Indonesian Quarantine Agency and related ministries is crucial to avoid conflicts of interest in quarantine. Business and industry players support the establishment of the quarantine agency, as it will allow for one-stop policies and diplomacy to anticipate diseases carried over to products in international trade. The fusion should not hinder foreign trade procedures, as Fish Quarantine Agency, Quality Control and Safety of Fishery Products - Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (BKIPM KKP) has been acting as a competent authority for issuing health certificates recognized by international authorities.Link di fonte: (ICE GIACARTA)

Fonte notizia: Kompas - 25 July 2023