News dalla rete ITA

31 Luglio 2023

Thailandia - Indonesia


Natural rubber prices have fallen this year due to low demand for rubber and rubber products. Weather, leaf fall disease, and fertilizer prices cut rubber production. Thailand and Indonesia, the top two rubber producers, face similar issues. Thailand has requested large amounts of money from state-owned banks to guarantee farmer pricing and boost rubber output, downstreaming, and exports. Indonesia's upstream and downstream rubber businesses need a concrete answer. Natural rubber futures rose to US$1.31 per kg, although growth is still negative at 1.43 percent and 17.55 percent. Beijing's private investment and urban revitalization policies raised rubber prices again.Leaf diseases and weather changes may affect worldwide natural rubber supplies. The Indonesian Rubber Council anticipates rubber production to drop to 2.9–3 million tons this year without upstream handling. The Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) Rubber Production Increase Project eliminates leaf fall disease and develops and rejuvenates rubber. Thailand exports US$4.1 billion in rubber. 7.6 billion baht will guarantee rubber prices for 1.6 million rubber growers in Thailand. Rubber farmers, latex processors, and rubber product makers will benefit from finance.Link di fonte: (ICE GIACARTA)

Fonte notizia: Kompas - 31 July 2023