News dalla rete ITA

30 Agosto 2023



The daily reports on 28 August that Hrvatske autoceste (HAC), the state-owned highway maintenance company, has announced that this year could potentially be the last year for toll collection through toll booths and starting next year, there is a gradual plan to introduce a new system of electronic toll collection without stopping, a project that will cost around EUR 100 million and should be fully operational by 2025. The new toll collection model would not be based on the vignette system like Slovenia's but on camera systems that would record the vehicle's license plate, color, dimensions, vehicle profile, and an estimated passage time.The daily recalls that Sea, Transport and Infrastructure Minister Oleg Butkovic recently confirmed that the vignette system is not under consideration when introducing a new toll collection system since under the vignette system, a driver pays for unlimited travel during a specified period, whereas the system being planned in Croatia would continue to charge based on the number of kilometers traveled.The new toll collection model would not be based on the vignette system like Slovenia's but on camera systems that would record the vehicle's license plate, color, dimensions, vehicle profile, and estimated passage time. Payment will be made through an Electronic Toll Collection (ENC) device and an Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) system, where all users will need to register in the system via their license plate.Butkovic explained at the time that this meant there would no longer be toll booths, and drivers would have a separate account from which tolls would be deducted upon entering and exiting the highway and that the new system could allow the passage of up to 3,000 vehicles per hour. According to current information, the fine for violators who do not register when entering the highway would be EUR 100 plus the toll fee, but it is possible the final proposal for the law may result in an increase. The new toll collection system includes the removal of 339 toll booths at a total of 77 highway entrances and exits. HAC estimates the cost of implementing the new toll collection system to be around EUR 100 million. However, the daily writes that the offers submitted to HAC by ten companies a month ago range from EUR 80 million to almost EUR 250 million. The daily reports that HAC has 90 days to select the best offer and two-thirds of the cost will be financed through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NPPO). (ICE ZAGABRIA)

Fonte notizia: JUTARNJI LIST online edition 28/8/2023