News dalla rete ITA

7 Settembre 2023



Messico: Ahresty annuncia mega piano di investimentoThe Japanese auto parts company Ahresty announced that it will invest around 900 million pesos to expand the plant it has installed in Zacatecas, which would generate 200 new jobs.The commitment was established through the signing of the letter of intent by the state president, David Monreal Ávila; by the president of Arhesty, Arata Takahashi, and the executive and general directors of planning, Hideki Nariya and Atsushi Shimizu, respectively.This, during the virtual meeting that took place within the framework of the tour of the representatives of the government of Zacatecas through the Asian continent to attract investments.It should be noted that foreign investment in Zacatecas is the result of the efforts that the state government carries out with Asian authorities and businessmen, during the work tour of Japan to continue their meetings with businessmen. This, after visiting South Korea, where the attraction of more than 1,000 million pesos in investments in the automotive sector was achieved. (ICE CITTÀ DEL MESSICO)

Fonte notizia: Mexico Industry