News dalla rete ITA

7 Settembre 2023



Messico: nuove regolazione doganiere all'acciaio asiaticoIn a movement aimed at boosting the internal economy and safeguarding the interests of small and medium-sized companies, the Mexican government, through the Ministry of Economy, has issued a Presidential Decree that establishes temporary tariff measures for imported products from countries that lack of trade agreements with Mexico. This action seeks to protect SMEs and the employment they generate, promoting the development of the national industry, supporting the internal market and strengthening the participation of national products in value chains.Abugaber Andonie, president of the Confederation of Industrial Chambers of the United Mexican States (Concamin), has assured that these measures are not protectionist in nature and will not affect Mexican consumers. The official position is that it is a strategic measure to level the playing field and promote competition on more equal terms.The Decree, published last Tuesday in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF), details temporary tariffs that range between 5% and 25% for a wide range of merchandise. These products include steel, aluminum, bamboo, rubber, chemical products, oils, soap, paper, cardboard, ceramic products, glass, electrical material, musical instruments, furniture, textiles, and footwear, among others. (ICE CITTÀ DEL MESSICO)

Fonte notizia: Mexico Industry