News dalla rete ITA

3 Novembre 2023


TAIWAN ECONOMY PUTS END TO 10 MONTHS OF CONTRACTION Change to yellow-blue light confirms improving economy

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwan’s main economic indicator turned to yellow-blue in September after 10 months of blue, confirming an improvement of the economy, the National Development Council (NDC) said Friday (Oct. 27).Taiwan uses a five-color system to symbolize economic performance. Blue stands for contraction, yellow-blue represents sluggishness, green indicates stable growth, yellow-red refers to a warming economy, and red points to an overheated or booming economy.Commenting on the change, the NDC said the domestic economy had slightly improved, but close observation of future developments was still required, Radio Taiwan International (RTI) reported. The overall monitoring indicator rose to 17 in September, from 15 in August.The sectors showing changes were customs exports, improving from a yellow-blue to a green light, and the manufacturing climate, moving from blue to yellow-blue. The seven other sectors contributing to the indicator did not change in September, according to the NDC.Since Taiwan launched the lights system, the longest period with a blue light lasted 15 months from December 2000 to February 2002. A 10-month run occurred in 2011 after the European financial crisis and in 2015 during a sluggish period for the technology sector.By Matthew Strong, Taiwan News, Staff Writer2023/10/27 17:46 (ICE TAIPEI)

Fonte notizia: Organi di Stampa - Taiwan News