News dalla rete ITA

8 Novembre 2023

Russia - Kazakistan


Tokayev sees vast potential in investment ties with RussiaThe President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, in his interview with Izvestia newspaper, emphasized the vast potential in investment cooperation with Russia."Over the past 18 years, direct investment from Russia into Kazakhstan exceeded $20 billion, with Kazakh investments in Russia around $6 billion. These figures have been bolstered by industrial cooperation through 143 joint ventures valued at $33.5 billion," Tokayev stated.He drew attention to "the completion of 30 significant projects worth about $3.2 billion and the ongoing implementation of 40 projects in essential sectors like mechanical engineering, metallurgy, and the chemical industry, which represent an investment of $16.6 billion and the creation of over 15,000 jobs.""Such interaction clearly shows the huge potential for the growth of Kazakh-Russian cooperation," the President of Kazakhstan said."The gas industry holds a special place in the sustainable socio-economic advancement of our countries. The supply of Russian 'blue fuel' ' serves the interests of everyone involved," he said, highlighting Kazakhstan's commitment "to increasing the transit of Russian gas."Tokayev noted that "Kazakhstan and Russia have long had a successful partnership in the oil sector.""Transporting oil through both countries is vital for our energy sectors. Approximately 80% of Kazakh oil is shipped to international markets via Russian territory (the Caspian Pipeline Consortium). Similarly, Russian oil is transported to China across Kazakhstan. We aim to transport more than 100 million tonnes of Russian oil by 2033," the President of Kazakhstan said.Tokayev also mentioned that "a primary aspect of our energy collaboration is our joint work in the field of peaceful nuclear energy." (ICE ALMATY)

Fonte notizia: INTERFAX