News dalla rete ITA

5 Aprile 2024



The Indonesian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif announced on Thursday (4/4) Decree No. 69.K/MB.01/MEM.B/2024 on Determination of Types of Commodities Classified as Strategic. Through it, the government has designated 22 commodities as strategic minerals, and established criteria and classification of minerals that are classified as strategic, in an attempt to optimise domestic downstreaming and to further develop strategic industries, so as to increase Indonesia's competitiveness at the national and international levels. The strategic minerals designated by the government include aluminium (bauxite), antimony, iron (iron ore and iron sand), gold, phosphorus, galena, cobalt, chromium, rare earth metals, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, silver, platinum, zinc, silica (quartz sand, quartzite and quartz crystal), copper, tin, titanium, vanadium and zirconium. These minerals are raw materials for strategic industries, including the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and medical equipment industry, transportation equipment industry, energy generation industry (solar cell industry), as well as the capital goods, components and materials industry. They are key components for electronics and telematics/ICT industry, basic metal industry and non-metallic minerals industry, such as the defence industry. These minerals also have a large contribution to state revenue, through the mineral mining sector, and, hence, have a significant contribution to Indonesia’s foreign exchange reserves.Link di fonte: (ICE GIACARTA)

Fonte notizia: Bisnis Indonesia, 4 April 2024