News dalla rete ITA

10 Maggio 2024

Azerbaijan - Kazakistan - Uzbekistan


Astana, Baku, and Tashkent collaborate to export Caspian wind energy to EU  Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Uzbekistan are collaborating on a project to harness the wind potential of the Caspian Sea for exporting green energy to Europe."Azerbaijan is considering a project to install a cable along the Black Sea floor. Furthermore, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan have reached an agreement to install a high-voltage cable along the Caspian Sea bed, facilitating the distribution of clean electricity to lucrative markets. This initiative requires substantial investments aiming to reach a capacity of approximately 7 Gigawatts, with Uzbekistan providing up to 5 Gigawatts. The goal is to harness the full wind potential of both the Caspian and Aral zones for exports," Kazakh Energy Minister Almasadam Satkaliyev said.The development of a feasibility study is underway to determine the construction timeline.A recent agreement signed in Tashkent between the three countries focuses on cooperation in developing green energy sources and transporting electricity to promising markets."Preliminary discussions have been held with EU nations, expressing interest in acquiring clean electricity," he said.Earlier, the three nations signed a memorandum to integrate their energy systems, exploring the possibility of connecting them via a high-voltage cable under the Caspian Sea. Kazakhstan's Ministry of Energy had previously outlined technical specifications for this deep-sea cable project. (ICE ALMATY)

Fonte notizia: Interfax