Indonesia’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) estimates the need for jumbo investment to realize the development of electricity infrastructure in the National Electricity General Plan (RUKN) until 2060. Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Yuliot Tanjung said that the total investment needed reaches US$ 1.1 trillion or around IDR 17,900 trillion (assuming an exchange rate of IDR 15,500)."To realize the great mission of RUKN, an investment of US$ 1.1 trillion is needed until 2060. This means that the average investment requirement is around US$ 30 billion per year," said Yuliot in a Working Meeting with Commission XII of the DPR, Thursday, January 23.Of the total needs, Yuliot explained that the largest allocation will be focused on the power generation sector, with an estimated investment of US$ 1 trillion. In addition, the development of electricity transmission infrastructure is projected to require an additional investment of US$ 104 billion. Yuliot continued, the target for electricity consumption per capita in 2060 reached 5,038 KwH in accordance with the target of the National Energy Policy (KEN).Yuliot also outlined the target for electricity generation in Indonesia in 2060 to reach 443 GW consisting of 79 percent New Renewable Energy, with 42% Variable Renewable Energy (VRE). To support this, the government is accelerating the development of renewable energy power plants, starting from ocean currents in 2028, nuclear in 2029, floating reservoir and rooftop PLTS, land and sea PLTP, and the operation of coal-fired PLTU until the contract ends, which is continued with biomass cofiring with Carbon Capture Storage (CCS).Source: (ICE GIACARTA)
Fonte notizia: KONTAN, 23 January 2025