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25 Luglio 2024

Russia - Kazakistan - Iraq


Iraq, Kazakhstan, Russia will reduce oil production by 2.3 mln bpdIraq, Kazakhstan, and Russia, presented compensation s ...

18 Luglio 2024

Russia - Kazakistan


KMG, Lukoil to select contractor for Kalamkas-Sea, Khazar fields developmentKazMunayGas JSC (KMG) and Lukoil discussed t ...

11 Luglio 2024

Russia - Kazakistan


KCSD advises withdrawal of Russian securities amid US SanctionsKazakhstan's Central Securities Depository (KCSD) has adv ...

11 Luglio 2024

Russia - Kirghizistan


Kyrgyzstan, Russia may increase trade by 70% in medium termKyrgyzstan and Russia hope to increase mutual trade to $5 bil ...

10 Luglio 2024

Russia - Uzbekistan


Uzbekistan, Russia set to increase trade to $30 bln by 2030 Uzbekistan and Russia have every chance of increasing b ...

8 Luglio 2024

Russia - Kazakistan


Kazakh-Russian JV to build a silicon carbide plant in LisakovskA Russian-Kazakh joint venture will build a silicon carbi ...

4 Luglio 2024



Average GDP growth in SCO member states exceeds 5% in 2023 - PutinClose economic relations between Shanghai Cooperation ...

20 Giugno 2024

Russia - Kazakistan


CPC boosts oil transportation by 2.7% to 30 mln tonnesThe Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) shipped almost 30 million to ...