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10 Giugno 2024

Russia - Kazakistan - Uzbekistan


Gazprom signs contracts with Kazakhstan to transit gas to Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan until 2040 (Part 2)Gazprom has signe ...

10 Giugno 2024

Russia - Kazakistan - Uzbekistan


Gazprom signs contracts with Kazakhstan to transit gas to Uzbekistan and KyrgyzstanGazprom has signed contracts with Kaz ...

6 Giugno 2024

Russia - Kazakistan


Russia ready to supply its gas to northern regions of Kazakhstan - PutinRussia is ready to start gas supplies to the nor ...

5 Giugno 2024

Russia - Kazakistan


Russian ECO-Kultura to build massive vegetable greenhouse complex in southern KazakhstanA substantial greenhouse complex ...

4 Giugno 2024

Russia - Kazakistan - Iraq


OPEC ministerial meeting backs pledge made by Kazakhstan, Russia, Iraq to ensure full compliance with commitmentsKazakhs ...

4 Giugno 2024

Russia - Kazakistan - Iraq


Kazakhstan, Russia, and Iraq to present updated compensation plan for above quota production by end of JuneKazakhstan, R ...

31 Maggio 2024

Russia - Kazakistan


EAEU pledges full integration by 2030: free movement of goods, services, capital, and laborThe full implementation of fo ...

29 Maggio 2024

Russia - Kazakistan


CPC revises oil transport forecast, expects decrease to plan of 7% to 65 mln tonnesThe Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) ...