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28 Maggio 2024

Russia - Uzbekistan


 Rosatom's company signs contract to build low-capacity NPP in Uzbekistan  Atomstroyexport JSC has signed a co ...

28 Maggio 2024

Russia - Uzbekistan


 Uzbekistan, Russia plan to triple trade to $30 bln Official delegations accompanying Uzbek President Shavkat ...

28 Maggio 2024

Russia - Kazakistan


Kazakhstan to allow the import of pigs and pig products from 33 regions of RF from May 22 – RosselkhoznadzorStarting May ...

28 Maggio 2024

Russia - Kazakistan


Kazakhstan plans thermal power plants with Russian partnershipEnergy Minister Almasadam Satkaliyev announced plans to co ...

28 Maggio 2024

Russia - Kazakistan - Uzbekistan


Kazakhstan upgrades gas system to boost Russian gas transit to UzbekistanKazakhstan aims to enhance its gas transportati ...

28 Maggio 2024



Share of settlements in Russian rubles in EAEU rises to 81.3% - EECThe share of settlements in Russian rubles in the Eur ...

16 Maggio 2024

Russia - Kazakistan


Oil exports from Russia and Central Asia increased 3% in March MoM to 6.6 million bpd - OPECTotal oil exports from Russi ...

14 Maggio 2024

Russia - Kazakistan - Cina


EuroChem signs EPC contract with Chinese CNCEC for construction of fertilizer complex in KazakhstanEuroChem and China Na ...